Crap n’ Stuff (June 6th Edition)
We love stuff! Do you love stuff? Of course you do, admit it. Here are some items we’ve found in our journeys that we either own or REALLY want to own. Hopefully, we can unite you with some new-found...
View ArticleFanboy Power Hour Episode 31: Goons, Ghosts, and Gorillas!
In our continued effort to bring you all things geek, we’d like to introduce you to The Fanboy Power Hour! We here at Geekin’ Out want to roll out the red carpet and welcome this intrepid band of comic...
View ArticleLate to the Party: AMC’s The Walking Dead
I know, I know. I haven’t posted anything in forever. I’m a terrible person. Typically, I’m not much of a zombie fan. They’re slow, gormless, disgusting and … well, just plain creepy. I’m also not one...
View ArticleLara, What Have They Done To You?
With E3 2012 underway (and now winding down), my inbox has been flooded with trailers, demos, gameplay, interviews, and announcements from the convention. It’s actually been pretty lackluster this...
View ArticleAin’t It Pretty: Coran Stone
Coran takes fan art to an epic level by creating amazing mash-ups or re-imaginings of favourite characters in animation and comics. Have you ever wondered where Calvin would be when he grew up? Coran...
View ArticleLet Us Waste Your Time
Hello again internet folks! Another installment of Let Us Waste Your Time here where we waste all of your good time on a Saturday. What’s going on with you this week? Anything fun happen to you? Nah I...
View ArticleRory’s Retro World
Hello there Geekin’ Out readers and other random internet people! I’m Rory and welcome to my Retro World. Since this is my first article I spent some time trying to figure out what game to review, it...
View ArticleTop Twelve Tuesday: Musicals!
Rock of Ages is coming out on Friday, so I’m taking the opportunity to talk about one of my secret loves: Musicals! A lot of people seem to hate them, and I just want to slap those people in the face....
View ArticleVampires Suck!
I honestly didn’t think there could be a worse movie than House of the Dead or Sucker Punch, but the people who put together this terrible monstrosity certainly proved me wrong. Oh wait, did I give it...
View ArticleCrap n’ Stuff (June 13th Edition)
We love stuff! Do you love stuff? Of course you do, admit it. Here are some items we’ve found in our journeys that we either own or REALLY want to own. Hopefully, we can unite you with some new-found...
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